Hi, I'm Stephanie Cunnane.

I'm a software engineer in Los Angeles, California. I work on the Firefox browser's Address Bar team.

Recently, I built Monsoon, an open-source, serverless framework for running browser-based load tests in the cloud.

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Monsoon logo

Monsoon allows software engineers to easily load test their single-page application in anticipation of traffic spikes or overall business growth. Monsoon can simulate loads of up to 20,000 concurrent users, and tests can be of any duration, from minutes to weeks or longer. Users can also see their load test results visualized in a near real-time dashboard.

Other Projects

High-Quality Thinking for Software Engineers

A massive Medium article that gives insight into how I think and approach problems

Read the article here

Codewars Global Leaderboard

I love challenges, coding challenges in particular. Currently I'm #170 on the Codewars global leaderboard (top 0.047%)

See my Codewars profile here

Airline Routing App

An airline routing app that uses Dijkstra's Algorithm to find the shortest path

React, JavaScript

Request Bucket

A RequestBin-like tool for receiving and debugging webhooks

Node.js/Express, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, Webhooks

eBook Reader App

An app for, you guessed it, reading ebooks!

Ruby, Sinatra, ERB

Todo List App

An interactive todo list manager. Vanilla JavaScript frontend, Express API backend

Node.js, Express, Handlebars

Feel free to get in touch